Creating Wealth
Through Real Estate
Invest with Confidence
Our success and the success of our investors is rooted in a uniquely long-term approach to real estate investing, which creates wealth that spans generations. We are specialists in the development, acquisition and management of self storage and manufactured housing communities nationwide. Our portfolio includes self-storage assets that we built and have managed since the 1970s. With decades of experience and expertise, we optimize returns for our investors and preserve wealth that can be passed down through generations.
About Dahn Corporation
National Real Estate Investment and Asset Management Company
Dahn Corporation is a national real estate investment and asset management company with over 40 years of real estate experience and a proven history of success. We have developed, acquired and/or managed over $300 million of self-storage facilities. Key factors in our success have been the quality and stability of our employees, a conservative approach to real investment and management and a commitment to thorough market research.
Five Areas of Expertise Determine Our Success.
Our property portfolio consists of a nationwide group of self-storage properties. To manage these properly, we draw upon our knowledge of marketing, financial controls and building maintenance. Everyday thousands of customers visit our self-storage facilities. The daily demands placed on the management team are substantial and require a thorough understanding of self-storage operations. With over forty projects comprising over 25,000 units, we are uniquely qualified to manage this highly specialized business. Our diverse background enables us to provide clients with the highest standards of self-storage asset management.
Our philosophy is to invest and develop in the strongest markets throughout the nation. We are continually updating our market research and exploring new areas of opportunity. Once an investment is targeted, our staff is responsible for all aspects of acquisition, including contract negotiations, project financing, site design, governmental processing, market research and appraisal.
By developing numerous properties nationwide we have acquired a unique expertise in construction and property maintenance. As a licensed general contractor, we have the ability to oversee all phases of construction from budgets, bidding and supervision to scheduling and quality control.
Marketing is an integral component of real estate investment and asset management. Long term success in the real estate industry depends upon being able to adjust to changing market conditions. Our knowledge of the competition, demographic trends and customer needs, combined with over forty years of real estate experience, enables us to select the most effective marketing program for a specific asset.
We place heavy emphasis on tight financial controls. Operating statements are prepared, reviewed and analyzed monthly. Cash flow and budget projections are prepared regularly and variances are acted upon promptly. We are proud of our success and look forward to an exciting future. We continue to be dedicated to the highest standards of performance necessary to maintain leadership in the self-storage industry.”
Investment Goal
We aim to return your principal investment as quickly as possible, thereby creating an infinite yield. Once the principal has been returned, you are free to invest it again while continuing to receive income for the life of the investment. By repeating this approach, your wealth compounds over time.
Investment Strategy
We maintain a wealth-creating approach to investing by purchasing properties we intend to hold for the long term. We believe that the appreciation and tax benefits of long-term real estate investments greatly exceed what may be accomplished in the short term. Selling at a predetermined milestone increases the risk of your investment portfolio by creating a taxable event and replacing stable investments with speculative ones.
We spend a great deal of time identifying beneficial deals—deals that will have a lot of competition and require expertise to win. Once we acquire a property, we leverage our keen understanding of the market and work diligently to optimize its value and returns.
Our-and YOUR-Investment Purposes
Appreciation is the main purpose of your investment. As the property appreciates through capital investments, NOI growth and market factors—your investment and your personal wealth grow alongside it.
Our-and YOUR-Investment Purposes
Cash Flow
Cash flow is a function of the property’s performance and is realized through excellent management practices. Knowing when and how to increase income and control expenses requires extensive industry knowledge and deep, data-driven analysis. Expenses are carefully managed to maximize the long-term potential of the property.
Our-and YOUR-Investment Purposes
Sheltering Income
We aim to return your principal investment as quickly as possible, thereby creating an infinite yield. Once the principal has been returned, you are free to invest it again while continuing to receive income for the life of the investment. By repeating this approach, your wealth compounds over time.
Our-and YOUR-Investment Purposes
Preserving Wealth
Leverage in real estate is a key driver of wealth creation. Leveraging allows you to amplify returns on your investment and frees up capital to deploy to other investments. The property’s appreciation is realized through leverage and can be tax deferred, provided that you maintain a buy-and-hold strategy. When we realize equity appreciation through refinancing, your share of the proceeds can be tax deferred. This process is repeated every five to ten years, when market conditions allow for it. Churning assets is never a tax-efficient strategy and is in direct conflict with wealth creation.
Current Investment Offerings
To learn more about our current investment opportunities, please contact us.